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Style Snack does not own any of the images on this site except those labeled as such. All illustrations on home page created by Talia Greismann. All other images on site are credited when possible.
Hot Summer: Natasha Poly by Mario Sorrenti
July 6th, 2011Anja Rubik, Beach Babe
June 29th, 2011Claudia Schiffer by Ellen von Unwerth
June 27th, 2011Neon in Acapulco: French Architectural Digest
June 22nd, 2011
Acapulco’s newest attractions are trendy, hip, and architecturally eye-catching. Bright colors, deco design with a retro twist and modern edge, and an exotic locale make the famous resort town an ideal vaca spot.. but now with less trash and more upscale boutiques and hotels, it’s even hotter than Miami. (according to French AD)