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Style Snack does not own any of the images on this site except those labeled as such. All illustrations on home page created by Talia Greismann. All other images on site are credited when possible.
I am a Graphic Designer for a popular fashion and beauty magazine in New York City. It probably comes as no surprise that I adore fashion, art, design, and photography. I started this blog as a way to explore these interests and learn some web design in the process.
Style Snack is a blog dedicated to sharing the bits and pieces that inspire my own creativity and style. To me, style is much more exciting than the latest trends because it is completely personal. While most current trends can be bought off the rack, I find that truly unique, sophisticated style is hard to come by. That said, I am constantly searching for new inspiration in fashion, film, people, and places.
I hope Style Snack inspires and encourages the evolution of your own personal aesthetic... or at least provides some eye-candy in the meantime!
Talia Greismann
(For my design portfolio & website, please click here.)